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We seek and develop
          sustainable solutions for your organization
 Hintero supports private and public operators through the best practices of sustainable management, by identifying the most appropriate solutions to reach their objective and aiming at the improvement of a more sustainable society.
Through its multi and interdisciplinary expertise, in the areas of industry, energy, environment and foreign trade, Hintero follows the best practices of the circular economy, by integrating around it the technical know-how inherent in environmental engineering.

 In view of the adversities resulting from climate change, we encourage and assist in the continuous pursuit of transparency, innovation of its business models and the best use of resources and energy.
  1. Sustainable Management
    By means of a mapping of possibile interventions, in order to have an adavantageous management within the organization, we make strategic plans for the integration of sustainability precepts in the related deliberations and processes.
  2. Training
    We train employees and collaborators to integrate the principles of sustainable development within the organizational culture and their respective departments, thus providing the introduction of a strategic analysis that involves sustainability at each stage of its processes and projects.
  3. Sustainable Projects
    Through the expertise of the best management and technological practices, Hintero elaborates the analysis of attractiveness and designs alternative and innovative projects under the pillar of sustainability.
  4. Sustainable Tecnnologies
    Within the dynamics offered by Hintero, we seek and make available innovative sustainable technologies more suitable to your projects and core business.
  5. Business Development
    Hintero develops business for foreign companies in the scope of Sustainable Technologies and Environmental Consultancies that have the objective of being inserted in the Brazilian market.
  6. Green Marketing Strategy
    From a perspective aligned with Ethics and Social Responsibility, we support companies in the strategic and operational elaboration of sustainable marketing projects.
Our vision
"To integrate the principles of sustainable development and social responsibility with the most innovative management and technological
tools, where a new systemic vision is generated,
that allows, either in local scope as global,
minimizing the impacts related the organization
and the creation of value in the market
and society."
Contact us
Leave your contact details. We will contact you soon. .
Tel.: 0055 11 98477-7948
Av. Paulista, 1439
São Paulo - SP

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